
2022/6/15 11:40:43  发表于678天前

When we were young, we used to think that having a lot of friends is a cool thing. Well, it may be nice to have a lot of friends but when we are starting to mature, we’ll realize that having true friends is more important than having a lot of fake friends.

True friends accept you for who you really are while fake friends only like you for certain reasons because they could just use you or they are only friendly to you because they only need something from you or they see you as beneficial.

Sometimes you meet your true friends at the most unexpected times while you meet your fake friends in common situations.

True friends would tell you straight up what they dislike about you or if they have any problem with you while fake friends would rather say false appreciation to you.

True friends remember the smallest details about you while fake friends only remember some of your “basic” details.

You could talk to your true friends about anything that you want to talk about while you become selective with the topics that you opt to talk about with your fake friends without you noticing it.

True friends really care about you while fake friends only care about what would be beneficial from you.

True friends envision their future with you while fake friends don’t even see their future with you.

True friends ask you how you are after a long time of not being with each other while fake friends don’t even remember you.

True friends want you to be happy while fake friends want to see you miserable.

Keep your circle small. Having few friends is better than having a lot of fake friends because at least you know that no matter what, they would be there for you while fake friends are bound to leave you.
让自己的圈子小小的。三两知己比拥有一大堆狐朋狗友要好,因为至少你知道,无论发生什么,真正的 朋友都会在你身边,而虚假的朋友则准备好了要离你而去。

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下篇 【中英文】幕布之后:舞台艺术的魅力

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